Parotitis epidemica epidemiologie pdf

A prodromal phase of preauricular pain, fever, chills, and headache may be present see chapter 159. Inflammation of one or more of these glands is called parotitis, or parotiditis. It is therefore all the more important to gain exact and extensive insight into general and special aspects of pathological changes of the salivary glands in these age groups. May 04, 2020 acute bacterial parotitis is now infrequent, but its historical importance and occasional occurrence today necessitate indepth knowledge of this entity by the otolaryngologist. Acute suppurative parotitis was a well recognized complication of abdominal surgeries prior to routine administration of perioperative antibiotics. Infections of the parotid gland range from acute to severe. In the czech republic, mumps outbreaks have already been reported. However, the isolation of coxsackieviruses type a, echoviruses, choriomeningitis virus, and parainfluenza 1 virus from a few individuals with a clinically similar illness, who often relate a prior episode of mumps, suggests that other viruses may cause acute parotitis, albeit infrequently. Endemic parotitis article about endemic parotitis by the. Etiologic investigation of sporadic cases of parotitis.

Mumps is a viral illness caused by a paramyxovirus, a member of the rubulavirus family. The global incidence of mumps, viral parotitis, in 2014 was 0. Tyrocinium hoe academicum propterea vobis in grati animi pignus offero, submisse es of. Mumps infectious parotitis is caused by the mumps virus. Deafness is a rare but important complication of mumps virus infection. Epidemic parotitis mumps is traditionally referred to as childhood infections. The epidemiology and demographics of parotitis varies due to the multiple causes of the disease. Of all the salivary glands, the parotid gland is most commonly affected by an inflammatory process. This is then usually followed by painful swelling of one or both parotid salivary glands. Parotitis is inflammation of the parotid salivary gland.

Dec 31, 2019 test purpose 1 to diagnose acute pancreatitis, acute relapse of chronic pancreatitis, 2 to distinguish between acute pancreatitis and other causes of abdominal pain requiring immediate surgery, 3 to evaluate possible pancreatic injury caused by abdominal trauma or surgery, 4 to help in the diagnosis of epidemic and alcoholic parotitides. Mumps usually affects children, but adults can also be affected by the mumps viruses. The incidence of parotitis has been reported to be 0. Parotitis can be parenchymatous, when the glandular tissue is diffusely inflamed, or it may be a local suppurative process. Mumps parotitis is characterized by the rapid, painful swelling of one or both parotid glands within 2 to 3 weeks after exposure to the mumps virus. Influenzaassociated parotitis during the 20142015 influenza season in the united states. Mumps and bacterial parotitis were differentiated by 1800, but neither was effectively treated. Parotitis is most often caused by viral infections. Parotitis symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and causes. Morbidity from epidemic parotitis in the ussr in the period from 1958 to 1972 ranged within the limits of 266. You have three pairs of salivary glands, which include parotid gland, the two largest glands located in each cheek. May confirm diagnosis with mumps immunoglobulin igm and igg or pcr may also be needed by local health department for reporting testicular ultrasound if concern for orchitis lumbar puncture if concern for associated meningitis.

For additional information on infectious parotitis mumps, see the epi manual ii. A contact with wild mumps virus at a time point after vaccination can lead to the disease. Parotitis infectious disease and antimicrobial agents. Oct 20, 2016 parotitis appears to occur more often after infection with influenza a h3n2 viruses. Acute parotitis associated with parainfluenza 3 virus. Two sublingual glands are under the floor of the mouth. Among patients who had parotitis with influenza during the 20142015 influenza season, more than 80% had one respiratory symptom or more cough, sore throat, or runny nose. Doctors call this parotitis, and it can happen on one or both sides of the face.

Informace z pracovist mimo szu epidemicky vyskyt parotitis. Pathophysiology decreased salivary production or an impedance of its delivery. Nevertheless, reduced circulation of the wild mumps virus resulted in failure to boost specific immunity against the disease. Following is a list of causes or underlying conditions see also misdiagnosis of underlying causes of parotitis that could possibly cause parotitis. Parotitis appears to occur more often after infection with influenza a h3n2 viruses. Epidemicka parotitida priusnice, parotitis epidemica je akutni virove onemocneni charakterizovane horeckou, bolestivym zdurenim jedne nebo vice slinnych zlaz, zejmena priusnich, soucasne muze byt pritomna asepticka meningitida, u adolescentu a dospelych muzu i orchitida.

Parotitis is an inflammation of one or both parotid glands. In this article, we will discuss about the various causes, risk factors, and certain facts about mumps. Pille er, sarycheva of, andreyeva at, makarova lv, teleshevskaya ea. In around 75% of the cases, the enlargement is bilateral. Acute bacterial suppurative parotitis is caused most commonly by staphylococcus aureus and mixed oral aerobes andor anaerobes. Usually, there is swelling of only one gland in the. There are no specific causes in farm animals, with cases occurring only sporadically and usually caused by localization of a bloodborne infection, invasion up the salivary ducts associated with stomatitis, irritation by. At the same time, mumps in infants and under 2 years of age are found edoxic. Nowadays, vaccines are available to protect people from getting mumps. All of the salivary glands empty saliva into the mouth. Chow, in mandell, douglas, and bennetts principles and practice of infectious diseases eighth edition, 2015. There are a number of causes, but the clinical picture remains broadly similar.

The epidemiology of epidemic parotitis in the ussr. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of parotitis is available below. Pronunciation of epidemic parotitis with 1 audio pronunciation, 5 synonyms, 1 meaning, 11 translations and more for epidemic parotitis. Epidemic parotitis definition of epidemic parotitis by. The disease is transmitted by droplets small droplets from the respiratory tract containing the virus from other infected people, but is not particularly contagious. Aug 23, 2018 mumps usually affects children, but adults can also be affected by the mumps viruses.

Mumps is an acute viral disease, primarily over orespytkirtlerne. Research the causes of these diseases that are similar to, or related to, parotitis. Diseases of the salivary glands are rare in infants and children with the exception of diseases such as parotitis epidemica and cytomegaly and the therapeutic regimen differs from that in adults. Epidemic parotitis or mumps is a mild and self limiting viral.

Diseases of the salivary glands in infants and adolescents. The prevalence of parotitis from sjogrens syndrome, as of 2015, is per 100,000 individuals in the united states. A complete guide to parotitis you have salivary glands in your mouth which empty secrete saliva through ducts that open into your mouth. Symptoms typically occur 16 to 18 days after exposure and resolve after seven to 10 days. Suppurative parotitis typically occurs in elderly postoperative patients who are dehydrated or intubated, although it may also be seen in outpatients. May 04, 2020 the standard treatment is superficial parotidectomy, but if ct scanning or surgery reveals significant involvement of the deep lobe, that portion of the gland is dissected from beneath the nerve. Initially, there is a prodromal phase in which the patient suffers from malaise and lowgrade fever. Painful, swollen glands just below he ear are telltale sign of the mumps. Epidemic parotitis was one of the major complications for deafness in children before vaccination era.

When pus is expressed from the stensen duct, culture and sensitivity studies guide antibiotic selection. The parotid gland is the salivary gland most commonly affected by inflammation. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Parotitis, acute and chronic 5minute clinical consult. Jan 17, 2019 mumps is the only known cause of epidemic parotitis. It often occurs in the setting of debilitation, dehydration, and poor oral hygiene, particularly among elderly postoperative patients. A patient is considered infectious from about 3 days before the onset of, and up to 4 days after, the start of active parotitis although it has been suggested that the communicable period is. From 2 to 25 years the disease is very common, it again becomes rare after 40 years.

In some cases, the disease can also affect other organs of the body, testes, bugspytskirtel and hjernehinder. Mumps virus represents the single most important etiological agent of acute epidemic parotitis. Priusnice neboli parotitis epidemica jsou akutni virove onemocneni s otokem slinnych zlaz a moznym postizenim cns, slinivky brisni a varlat. Acute bacterial suppurative parotitis nonsuppurative parotitis parotid sialadenitis. The mortality rate for bacterial parotitis was 80%. A 34 years cyclic recurrence of rises and falls in morbidity was observed. Many doctors attribute epidemic parotitis to a disease of school age and military service. After the prodromal feature, the classical, tender enlargement of the parotid gland starts developing. Other predisposing factors include recent intensive teeth cleaning, use of anticholinergic drugs and other drugs that reduce salivary flow, malnutrition, salivary calculi with obstruction, and. Bacterial infections largely result from obstruction of the salivary gland and poor hygiene. The superficial and deep lobes of both parotid glands appear enlarged with heterogeneous mri signal intensity. Acute infection of the parotid gland can be caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses.

Two submandibular glands are at the back of the mouth on both sides of the jaw. Mumps is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus. Initial signs and symptoms often include fever, muscle pain, headache, poor appetite, and feeling generally unwell. Sialogogues, local heat, gentle massage of the gland from posterior to anterior, and hydration provide variable symptomatic relief. Orchitis swelling of testis is another complication in boys over the age of 10 years. Fibrosis makes the tensile strength of the surrounding gland much greater than the nerve itself. Parotitis is an inflammation of one or both parotid glands, the major salivary glands located on either side of the face, in humans. Parotid gland anatomy parotid duct over maxillary second molar 2. Most episodes of chronic parotitis are treated symptomatically.

Differential diagnosis of the viral etiology of suspected. All of the salivary glands empty saliva into the mouth through ducts that open at various locations in the mouth. Infectious parotitis mumps 1 infectious parotitis mumps i. The aim of diagnosis should be to categorize the patient with parotitis into one of three possible subcategories to guide management box 74. The term parotitis is a generic designation for parotid swelling with an inflammatory component. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ebv+ hhv6b+ hpiv2+ hpiv3+ hbov+. Parotitis is an unusual complication after cea that results from manipulation of the parotid gland during aseptic meningitis in adults.